Τό Ὀρθόδοξο εἶναι τό μόνο ἀληθινό Bάπτισμα.
Θαῦμα κατεγεγραμμένο σέ φωτό τήν ὥρα Bαπτίσματος
καί ἄλλα θαύματα μέ τό Ἄκτιστον Φῶς!
καί ἄλλα θαύματα μέ τό Ἄκτιστον Φῶς!
Τhe Orthodox Baptism is the only real Baptism.
Miracle captured on picture during ceremony of Βaptism
and other miracles with the Uncreated Light!
Τό βίντεο δημιούργησε ὁ ἱερέας στή μέση τῆς φωτογραφίας (τοῦ βίντεο)
ἀπό τήν Βάπτιση μέ τό θαῦμα!
The video was created by the Priest in the center of the photo (on the video)
that was taken during the Baptism with the miracle!
Τhe Orthodox Baptism is the only real Baptism.
Miracle captured on picture during ceremony of Βaptism
and other miracles with the Uncreated Light!
Τό βίντεο δημιούργησε ὁ ἱερέας στή μέση τῆς φωτογραφίας (τοῦ βίντεο)
ἀπό τήν Βάπτιση μέ τό θαῦμα!
The video was created by the Priest in the center of the photo (on the video)
that was taken during the Baptism with the miracle!
Ἀκολουθεῖ τό βίντεο:
Video follows: